Steven HouserJan 2, 2023Angel Tree Outreach - 2022Another annual outreach of our church is called the Angel Tree Outreach; in which we work with several local orphanages to provide...
Steven HouserJan 2, 2023Worship by the CandlelightOur Church family is made up of many people who have left home to follow their career or their mission halfway around the world. In order...
Steven HouserDec 31, 2022Supporting the Housers in 2023First, Thank you for clicking on this link and prayerfully considering if/how you can partner with our family in 2023! As you may have...
Steven HouserNov 26, 2022Kimchi Making with Love - 2022One of our favorite annual ministry events is the Kimchi Making event for the community. This event has provided literal "tons" of Kimchi...
Steven HouserJan 13, 2022These Afflictions are MomentaryThese Afflictions are Real Years have gone by and very little has changed. Circumstances are still frustrating, life is increasingly hard...