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At Home Blog Series: Hebrews 9:1-10

Be Sure to Read the Passage as a Family before continuing

Theme: Sacrifice of the Son of God

Passage: Hebrews 9:1-10

A New Way of Worship

In contrast with the second covenant, the first covenant was defined by regulations and articles of worship. The regulations began with a place of worship called the tabernacle. There were rules regarding who could enter and perform the ceremonies of worship. Walls separated the world outside from the tabernacle inside, and curtains separated the holy places where only the priests and high priest could enter.

Within the first part of the tabernacle there was furniture used in worship. Then a little deeper, was a separated section called the most holy place. Within the most Holy place was the Ark of the Covenant that held more important articles of worship; including, a golden urn with manna inside, Aaron’s old staff that had budded and the tablets which Moses has received.

In the tabernacle, priests upheld certain religious ceremonies of worship that were required under the first covenant. Only the High priest was allowed to enter the most holy place, and they only once a year to sacrifice for the sins of the people.

Careful adherence to these regulations did not work for the purifying of the conscience of the worshiper, but only as a fulfillment of regulations. The true purifying sacrifice was the Lamb of God who ushered in a new way of worship.


1) What was the first promise about?

2) What has change now that Jesus has come?

3) How do we find forgiveness in Jesus?

Helpful thought


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