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Remembering the Lamb: He is Risen

He is not Here

After the Passover Sabbath some of Jesus' female followers planned to go to the tomb and treat the body of their Lord with spices and fragrances that were not applied due to the holiday. When they got to the tomb, they felt the earth shake as they were greeted by an angel sitting on the stone that had just been rolled away from the entrance. He said to them, "He is not here, He is risen."

The women were confuse and wondered where Jesus' body had been moved, because He was no longer where they laid Him. The angel explained that the tomb was empty, and they were mistaken by looking for the "living among the dead."

He is Risen

Jesus was risen, and no longer hangout among the dead. The women "departed quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy." As they ran back to tell everyone the happy news, they were stopped by Jesus himself! He was was very alive and very real.

What an amazing morning that was! Think about it with me for a moment. Jesus had been dead for three days. Every prophecy that Jesus spoke about his death found hope on day three and yet no one seemed to be truly expecting His resurrection. The ladies were going to treat his body for His burial, the disciples were hiding, the priest never believed it would happen and the guards were ready to be done with tomb duty. Then the earth shook and Jesus conquered death and appeared to many, showing himself to be living savior once again!

He is not dead, our savior lives! The grave could not hold Him, death could not keep him! He rose from the dead and He is alive and real today!

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