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Hymns for the Family: All Glory Be to Christ


Hymns for the Home

Hymns for the Home is a series that will highlight hymns and worship music that are great for family worship. They are chosen for their Biblical and spiritual content, as well as their simplicity.


(FREE Song Lyrics Printable)


All Glory be to Christ is one of the most clearly written odes to Jesus that I we might ever encounter. The song is laced with Humility, Submission and Anticipation.

Worship in Humility

This song, updated by Dustin Kensrue, takes a humble and submissive tone. It is a great reminder of our fleeting life and honor merited by Christ. He truly deserves all glory.

Worship in Submission

Our total dependence on the will of God informs our worship in many ways. We seek his will to be done and bow in submission as we ask our from our provider.

Worship with Anticipation

The day will come when we will sin our songs in the presence of Christ. We will be His people and all of our desire will be conformed to His. We bask in the glory that he has earned and will forever stand before Him as new creations. Anticipate that day as you sing this song to your King.


In 1788 Robert Burns, a Scottish poet, sent his version of an old Scots poem, titled "Auld Lang Syne," to the Scots Musical Museum. A few years later, Burns sent the poem to James Johnson, who was compiling a book of old Scottish songs. In the letter attached to the poem, Burns described it as "an old song, of the olden times, and which has never been in print, nor even in manuscript until I took it down from an old man." By the time the book was published in 1796, Burns had already died, not knowing the cultural and global impact of the words he wrote down just a decade prior.

Fast forward to today, and this has become one of the most recognizable songs in the world. It has been used in modern media, New Years Eve celebrations, and was even the original tune for South Korea's national anthem. So, how did this old Scots poem about not forgetting the old times make its way from the Scottish highlands to the church worship time as "All Glory Be To Christ"?

On January 1st, 2012, Dustin Kensrue led worship for Mars Hill Church. One of the songs in which he led the congregation was one that he had been working on for roughly two years. This new hymn of his involved rewriting the lyrics to that old Scots song "Auld Lang Syne." Dustin said that "the song is generally understood to be something of a reminder for us to foster old and dear friendships. While this is a noble thought, I always had the feeling that there was a possibly better use of the most popular melody in the world."

So, with his belief that the melody could be used for much more, he began making a new hymn from that classic melody. The result was "All Glory Be To Christ." In regards to his new hymn, Dustin said, "the idea is that--especially at the beginning of the new year--we would dedicate all our efforts to bringing glory to Jesus Christ, to acknowledge that anything else would be of no value, and to celebrate our redemption in him." Almost a year later, King's Kaleidoscope recorded the song and released it on their 2012 Christmas EP "Joy Has Dawned." Today, Dustin's hymn is not as popular as the tune that inspired it, but it's meaningfulness and encouragement for the unhindered praise of the Lord is certain.

Click the QR code for Kings Kaleidoscope's version

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