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Kid Definition: The Gospel

Simply Deep

The Gospel is simply defined, but inexhaustibly deep. Our goal as Christian parents should be to share the Gospel with our kids in an orientation that is effortless to understand, giving them the good news required unto salvation; yet also giving them a passion for the deep truths that will take a life time to digest.

  1. The Gospel is the good news that God the father has sent His son, Jesus Christ, to forgive sin and draw sinful people into His Kingdom.

  2. The Gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ lived a perfect life, died a death that we deserved and rose again to save those who will follow Him.

  3. The Gospel is the good news that this broken world we live in is being restored.

Mining the Depths

This definition is enough for a sinner to find salvation and for a small child to see the love and goodness of the almighty, but our souls have the capacity for so much more. A life given to the pursuit of Gospel truth is a life in pursuit of true joy, and a strong faith will demand that we mine the deep joy and delight found in access to the goodness and love of God; provided by the cross. Your heart and soul will not be disappointed as you abide in the Gospel, are saturated by the Gospel, and spilling over with the Gospel to a world in need of good news.

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Bring it Home Family Discipleship. Established 2015

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